Why choose business nbn® Enterprise Ethernet?


Lightning Fast!

  • Dedicated business infrastructure that is independent of other nbn® services
  • Lighting fast speeds from 100Mbps to almost 1Gbps
  • An affordable, enterprise-grade network dedicated to business data with NO consumer congestion.
upspeeds 100

99.95% Uptime Target!

  • 99.95% SLA targets for businesses that need to stay online
  • 12-hour restoration target as standard on all our nbn® enterprise ethernet plans
  • 8-hour restoration upgrade available.

Equal Uploads & Downloads!

  • Matching (symmetrical) upload and download speeds for data-hungry businesses
  • For businesses that rely on upload speed as much as download speed
  • Access the fastest internet speeds available.



  • Unlimited data
  • Matching upload and download speeds
  • 99.95% uptime target
  • Priority Network Support 12 included
  • $0 fibre installation costs*
  • Dedicated business network
  • No consumer congestion during peak times!

Starting at $420/mth**
**Min. Cost over 36 months $15,120

Build Your Solution



  • Unlimited data
  • Matching upload and download speeds
  • 99.95% uptime target
  • Priority Network Support 12 included
  • $0 fibre installation costs*
  • Dedicated business network
  • No consumer congestion during peak times!

Starting at $440/mth**
**Min. Cost over 36 months $15,840

Build Your Solution



  • Unlimited data
  • Matching upload and download speeds
  • 99.95% uptime target
  • Priority Network Support 12 included
  • $0 fibre installation costs*
  • Dedicated business network
  • No consumer congestion during peak times!

Starting at $560/mth**
**Min. Cost over 36 months $20,160

Build Your Solution



  • Unlimited data
  • Matching upload and download speeds
  • 99.95% uptime target
  • Priority Network Support 12 included
  • $0 fibre installation costs*
  • Dedicated business network
  • No consumer congestion during peak times!

Starting at $840/mth**
**Min. Cost over 36 months $30,240

Build Your Solution

Built for performance, Business Enterprise Ethernet is a reliable, super high-speed connection with equal (symmetrical) upload and download speeds for data-hungry businesses that need to stay online.

Running over a dedicated business-grade fibre network ensures you receive a fast and dependable internet service suited to big and small businesses. It can also scale to suit the ever-changing needs of your business, such as adding employees or adopting additional bandwidth-heavy apps.

  • Video conferencing and collaboration
  • Unified Communications AI, predictive analytics and machine learning
  • VPN, security and monitoring applications
  • Uploading and downloading large files and applications
  • Working with large HD digital images
  • Multi-line voice/call centres
  • Cloud Backup and disaster recovery
  • Bandwidth-intensive software
  • Enhancing employee activity
  • Multi-site operations.

How Does it Work?

Not all fibre is the same. Unlike an FTTP connection (that is also end-to-end fibre), Enterprise Ethernet runs on a dedicated business infrastructure that is a separate network from other nbn® services. You don’t have to compete for bandwidth as you are separate from consumer traffic.

As they use separate conduits, you can have Business Enterprise Ethernet and an FTTP nbn® service coming into your business premises. The benefit of this setup is that the FTTP connection can act as a backup, if needed, providing peace of mind.

Let Us Call You! 

Your business may be exempt from fibre connection costs with $0 installation* now available for 90% of locations where business nbn® Enterprise Ethernet is available. Call our team today to see if you’re eligible and to learn more about our nbn® Enterprise Ethernet pricing on 13 70 90.

Contact Us To find Out More


Things you need to know

1If applicable, fibre build installation and hardware fees will be charged separately. 

*$0 Installation. For 90% of locations and subject to a service qualification (SQ). Fibre build costs may apply. SQ will provide availability of $0 installation eligibility. Not available in all areas. nbn may amend or introduce a Fibre Build Cost (FBC) and notify you prior to the commencement of the build phase. More information on the FBC commander.com.au/internet/enterprise-ethernet. Only available when signing up to a 36-month or 60-month agreement and remaining connected to the service from Commander for the full term. 

Service Delivery.  The service can take up to 50 days minimum to be installed, and Amended Fibre Build Costs may apply. You will require access to a domestic AC 240v socket and power supply for the powering of the nbn™ Business Network Termination Device (BNTD) or other supplier equipment. You will be responsible for the cost of power used by the unit. In the event of a power outage, your service will not work unless you maintain a backup battery. nbn reserves its rights to cancel an eligible order on the basis that it reasonably determines it is not viable to proceed with the order, e.g., due to the unforeseen complexity of proceeding with an order at the premises. An nbn® technician may need to install hardware and cabling at your premise to activate your service. By agreeing to receive our service, you authorise nbn to proceed with this work. Any cabling that is required in your premises beyond the Network Boundary Point (NBP) is your responsibility. More information on the NBP commander.com.au/bbss. If you are renting your premises, you will also need to obtain your landlord's consent before proceeding. An nbn® Professional Install is different to Commander Professional Install. It’s a service provided by nbn to connect your property to the nbn network. For charges, see the Schedule of Fees and Charges at commander.com.au/sofac. If you cancel prior to the service being delivered, nbn® will charge cancellation fees, these can be found on our Schedule of Fees and Charges at commander.com.au/sofac. The Service. Commander Enterprise Ethernet is Class of Service - Low; this delivers traffic as Excess Information Rate (EIR) and, as such, is “best efforts”, it has been designed for use within a single premise. The use of this service is prohibited to facilitate the provision of broadband to multiple premises. A practical example of this is when ordering the service to a communications cabinet at a multi-premises site (such as an apartment building, shopping centre, business park, or residential/retirement village) and using that service to facilitate the provision of broadband to multiple premises within that multi-premises site. If you have selected the 1000/1000 speed tier, due to equipment and network limitations, actual speeds may not reach this bandwidth, the actual speed is capped at 952Mbps on the nbn® network. If you have selected Priority Network Support, the target rectification timelines only apply to the restoration of the underlying business nbn® Enterprise Ethernet service and not other services like your phone lines. If you cancel within your contract term, we may charge you an amount of up to $5,500 to recover the discounted installation fee. Any charges relating to FBC and BNTD are calculated separately and may apply. Commander limits the extent of support for BYO gateway/routers to best efforts due to the flexibility the service offers users. It is not feasible or practicable for Commander to offer technical support other than on a best-effort basis. Whilst the BYO service is designed to allow users to bring their own device, under no circumstances does Commander offer any guarantee or assurance that all BYO devices will be compatible and function with the service provided by Commander. Support available is at a network level. You are responsible for your router/gateway configuration to ensure traffic is shaped/routed correctly to optimise your internet experience.


What is business nbn® Enterprise Ethernet?

nbn® Business Ethernet is a reliable, fast, adaptive premium fibre solution that will improve your online experience. Now available to more Australian businesses in more areas than ever before, it allows you to stay competitive in the ever-changing digital landscape.

What is a Fibre Build?

Where nbn® design and construct a fibre optic link connecting a fibre access node to a single location at a premises. The fibre optic link constructed by nbn® as part of the Fibre Build will include a dedicated point-to-point fibre link between the premises and the relevant fibre access node.

What is a Fibre Build Cost (FBC)?

90 per cent of locations where business nbn® Enterprise Ethernet is available are eligible for a $0 fibre build.  A service qualification (SQ) must be completed to check the eligibility of this. Once the SQ has been performed, nbn® will advise if an FBC will apply.  nbn® provides a feasibility quote, which may be amended once a technician goes to site.

What is an Amended Fibre Build Cost (AFBC)?

nbn® provides a feasibility quote after completing an SQ. This may need to be amended once a technician has visited the site. For example, if the site is a heritage site that requires more labour and materials to ensure it meets the obligations of the site or if miscalculations or incorrect details were provided on the initial SQ. If an AFBC is required, it will be provided before the commencement of the installation. If you decide to cancel, a cancellation fee may apply if the build does not proceed.

Will I need my own hardware?

Yes. The Business Network Termination Device is included as a part of the installation. However, the router, firewall or any other hardware that may be required will be the customer's responsibility.

How long does it take to deliver a new service?

A new service typically takes up to 50 business days (from when the service is ordered) to be delivered. Many factors can impact the time to connect a new service, including the type of service and the service area. nbn® provides a 50 business-day service delivery guarantee. However, this is not available for premises located in the nbn® non-fixed line footprint and is also unavailable at some premises within the nbn® fixed line footprint as identified by nbn®.

What Class of Service (CoS) is our Enterprise Ethernet?

Enterprise Ethernet comes in Low, Medium and High Classes of Service (CoS), but we currently only offer Low CoS. This provides ‘best-efforts’ data, which means there are no contractual guarantees on the network performance, so it may be subject to congestion at times of high network usage. This type of network data performance is designed for applications that are not time-sensitive, such as social media, internet access and email.

What is Priority Network Support?

Priority Network Support (PNS) is a value-added service on our Enterprise Ethernet plans. With PNS, you receive a dedicated onboarding experience and enhanced restoration times on any of our nbn® plans. This service is highly recommended for businesses with critical data needs that require a high level of support. Enterprise Ethernet comes with a 12-hour PNS to ensure a fault restoration time of 12 hours. We also offer optional enhanced fault resolution times of 8 or 6 hours. Additional charges apply.