52 Williamstown Road
Kingsville VIC 3012
Australia- 03 9034 7262
Mon - Fri 9am - 6pm
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Cyclone Alfred Impact. Our thoughts are with those affected. To maintain business communications, use our self-service tool "Command Central" to redirect calls. If you need assistance, contact our support team at 1300 521 539. Updated information can be found on the nbn outage page.
Dealer Principal: Hardik (Sam) Mehta
Hardik (Sam) Mehta commenced as Managing Director/ CEO for Commander Business Centre Melbourne West on 1st Jan 2023.
As a respected senior executive, Hardik joined Commander family as an Accounts Manager on 1 June 2016, following a variety of executive roles such as Senior Accounts Manager, Compliance trainer, Channel Manager, Operations Manager and Managing Director.
His career began in the telecom industry with big established telecommunication companies, which developed his all-encompassing acumen across a variety of disciplines, including IT, Commander Systems, Product Marketing and Customer retention. Hardik was named one of the top executives with the highest-rated customer feedback.
Hardik is enthusiastic about his work; he not only provides the best ICT (Information and Communication Technology) solutions for his clients, but he also provides exceptional customer service. They have always been the number one choice for businesses, thanks to his team of highly skilled engineers, technicians, and account managers.
Hardik is a skilled archer as well as a Yoga instructor. He and his family live in Melbourne.
52 Williamstown Road
Kingsville VIC 3012
Mon - Fri 9am - 6pm