Before you start

Confirmation from Commander to set-up your equipment

We will send this to you via email and/or SMS.

Your nbn® connection box

You may already have this if you have previously connected to the nbn network, or we will provide this to you.

A Business Modem

The below instructions are specifically for the Commander Business Modem. If you have opted to use your own modem, please refer to the manufacturer’s user guide provided with the device. 

Getting Connected

Select your Commander Business Modem model number (displayed on your device):


TPLINK VX420 modem

With Pay TV

Switch off your Pay TV and unscrew the cable from the coaxial wall socket. Use one of the coaxial cables that came with the nbn connection box and screw one side into the coaxial wall socket and the other into the splitter labelled "IN".


number 2
Screw your Pay TV cable into one of the ‘OUT’ sockets on the splitter. Plug one end of the remaining coaxial cables provided into the other ‘OUT’ splitter socket, and the other end into the back of the HFC nbn™ connection box.


number 3
Connect the power adapters for both the modem and the nbn connection box to the power outlet. Follow Step 6 from here.

Without Pay TV

number 4
Connect the power adapters for both the Business Modem and the nbn connection box to the power outlet.

number 5
Screw one side of the coaxial cable into the coaxial wall socket and the other side into the back of the HFC nbn™ connection box.

number 6
Use the Network Cable to connect to the Orange port labelled ‘2.5G’ on the HFC nbn™ connection box to your Business Modem’s blue WAN Port.

number 7
Turn on both devices and allow 15 minutes for auto configuration. Once the setup has been completed, the modem will display flashing lights for Internet and WAN. If the lights aren’t displaying correctly, simply power cycle the modem.

number 8
Connect your device(s) by simply locating the Wi-Fi name (SSID) and Wi-Fi Password (Password/Pin) on the bottom of the Commander Business Modem.  Alternatively, you can connect your device(s) directly (via cable) into one of the spare yellow LAN ports in the back of the modem.

number 9
If you have Business Phone, plug the network cable from the back of the handset into a free LAN Port. For Commander Business Line, you'll find the port information in your order completion email.

Your Commander Business Modem is now connected. If you need any help, then please give us a call on 1300 525 694 (Option 3).

What equipment installed on site?


FTTP nbn equipment

User guide

Download user guide


You can run most devices over a Wi-Fi network. However, if you find Wi-Fi limiting your connection, then you may want to try connecting your device(s) via powerline networking adaptors (which plug into your power points and use existing wiring) or an Ethernet cable. 

It depends on the services you currently use. If you have Pay TV, or other cable internet services, then there may be a slight interruption to your services during the installation of the nbn supplied equipment. If your current service is delivered over ADSL, then installation of nbn supplied equipment should not interrupt your services. 

The nbn connection box must remain at the property for nbn as it will not work at any other location. Speak to us when you’re planning to move services to a new address.

You will need to call your equipment provider/manufacturer to confirm this. You should also register your safety-critical equipment with nbn by calling 1800 227 300 or visiting

Equipment connected over the nbn network will not work during a power blackout. Consider having an alternative form of communication handy (such as a charged mobile phone). If you have safety-critical equipment (e.g. a medical alarm, monitored fire alarm or lift emergency phone), speak to your equipment provider about alternative solutions. For more information click here.